Plastic Free Champions

We help businesses achieve SAS Plastic Free status by explaining how they can follow these simple steps:

Once your business has been approved as 'plastic free’, you will be able to promote yourselves as an SAS Plastic Free Business Champion and display your certificate and wooden plaque. Your business will also be added to this webpage and our interactive map.

If you are interested in becoming a Plastic Free Champion, you can use the Surfers Against Sewage website to register your company and complete the evidence required yourself, or contact us for help and advice.

Frank and Patsy at Frank's Frying - 15.09.21

With Kelly at the Old Mill Tea Room 27.10.23

Andy at Curios -  15.09.21

Darren at Dawlish Farm Shop -  15.09.21

Jack Martin from the Local Scoop, with Vanessa. 26/02/21

Mollie, Carmen and Thomas from Ryders Bakery 16/04/21

With Souhela at Le Cygne 

With Jeremy from Poppadums 

With Pizza Palos

With John and Tracey, The Strand Cafe

With Scott at Forest Fungi

With Catharine at the Ugly Duckling

With No. 1 Cafe

With Jon Waller, from Tea's Me. Sept. 2023

With Kelly from The Old Mill Tea Room. Oct. 2023

And Hazelwood Holiday Park - awaiting image

Press article celebrating our 'plastic-free' champions.